How We Became Sisters, Friends, and Business Partners
As we celebrate 10 years in business, you may think LucyBlue Knits is the natural outgrowth of two close sisters deciding to share...

Why I Walk
Walking is one of my favorite outdoor activities. I've made it part of my weekly routine for over twenty years. What started as a way to...

How Sweaters Become Mittens
As we shared last week, only the highest quality, most unique sweaters are chosen to become LBK products. Once we're home from the...

Tales from the Thrift Store & Laundromat
When Lucy Blue Knits products are viewed online or at our booth at an artisan fair, we doubt our customers picture this as their origin!...

Cashmere: From The Goat's Neck to Yours
Last week we shared with you why wool is our fiber of choice for our artisan mittens. We also shared what prompted our need for another...

Why Wool?
When we started working on our prototype mittens, we were looking for a fiber that would fit the LucyBlueKnits philosophy of recycle,...

Inspired by 'hygge' and #spreadthewarmth
Inspiration is all around us—we find it in magazines, in nature, and in fashion—how they spark our creativity! Our inspiration also has...

Origin Story #5: The Button
What do blueberries have to do with LucyBlueKnits? That's our final Origin Story. Buttons have always been integral to our signature...

Origin Story #4: The Studio
We hope you're enjoying these origin stories. If you haven't read all of them, we hope you'll visit the archive, sit down with your...

Origin Story #3: Susie
From the time I was five, our family would spend a week each summer in the secluded woods and lakes of the Boundary Waters of Minnesota....

Origin Story #2: Wendy
As you read in our first Origin Story about my mom, my childhood was filled with creative experiences and opportunities. My journey to...